Damn, i haven't posted here in a while, but anyway i stumbled on this website with some old flyers and i said who could i share this with that would appreciate this classic stuff? none other than oldschoollive.com. Other website i hit once in a while wouldn't understand or appreciate stuff like this, they too busy worried about if their chain hang low. But any how here it is and i hope this takes you down memory lane, i was still a youngsta with a curfew with some of these but I remember them quite well. enjoy!
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ok... I just looked through all of the flyers once again, and the funniest one has to be the "New Edition" one with the red background... damn they look so young, and damn.. that means we too damn old.....good stuff though..... Smooov....
TC, Good lookin out on the trip back down memory lane. I was hittin the joints when most of these were happinin. I cn remember how Hot the garage use to be and the parties that went on there.. Man. you had to have been there.. Do I ever miss being back up the way and hanging out at alot of those spots. I don't know who has all those flyers but they got some real oldschool Gold on their hands..I'd keep those, like a good set of vinyl albums..
Chuckie C- AKA: Dj Cool Geek
"My Turntables wobble but they don't fall down"... JMJ(RIP)