I'd like to get my hands on "ugly people be quiet" myself... But I do have the "Ugly Woman" single with "Mightly Hard Rocker" on the flip side... email me: dj_uneq at oldschoollive.com
You can also go to oldschoollive.com, click on requests, and request those two songs if you want to hear them now.
If anyone else has "Ugly people be quiet" let us know!!! :)
"Rap is something you do; Hip hop is something you live..."
- - - KRS-One
Not really sure if it will help or not, but found this link of a radio show that lists it on the playlist. Maybe you could rip it from the mp3 of the show?
I'm downloading it now... I have a feeling it's not going to be a decient quality though. It's a pretty big playlist for only being 69 MB... But we'll see... It's definitly better than nothing, right!
"Rap is something you do; Hip hop is something you live..."
- - - KRS-One
Its probably snippets from the song. The DJ probably scratched and mixed it for 30 seconds and then put it on the list! But yeah, its better then nothing!
Believe it or not, they pretty much played the whole thing! I trimmed it up and saved it as a separate file... If anyone wants a copy of it, here's a temp link for it:
Thank you VERY much @djuneq!!!!!I have this song on a cassette but it`s not the same;so thanks a lot!!!but the song find an ugly woman,you don`t have it eventually,too?
Thank you VERY much @djuneq!!!!!I have this song on a cassette but it`s not the same;so thanks a lot!!!but the song find an ugly woman,you don`t have it eventually,too?